L'OIPA (Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali) è una ONLUS il cui scopo è la tutela e la valorizzazione della natura e dell’ambiente, l’abolizione della vivisezione nei vari Paesi del mondo e la difesa degli animali da qualsiasi forma di maltrattamento: caccia, circhi con animali, corride, feste popolari con animali, randagismo, pellicce, traffico di animali esotici, zoo, allevamenti intensivi, macelli e per una diffusione dell’alimentazione vegetariana/vegana.
OIPA, International Organization for Animal Protection, is an International Confederation of associations for the animal protection and for the defence of animal rights all over the world. The Organization’s purpose consists in the defence of animal rights and in the defence of the animals from every kind of mistreatment. It also follows the purpose of improving the public health through the abolishment of any kind of animal experiment throughout the world. The Organization also works for environmental defence, where precarian ecological conditions may damage the human health and animal and vegetal life in their wholeness. The Organization wants to bring its contribute for a better, a healthier and a more human world, for a medical science that is not based on violence, for a more efficient sanitarian structure, for an ecologically clean environment.
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